While I was back home getting my undergraduate degree, I was working at the local hospital in the Transport department. I've never had an interest in anything related to the medical field. Having a mother as a nurse, I told myself I did NOT want to do that. However, I found myself very curious about the heart and wanting to know about all the various tests, why they were needed, different medications and all sorts of things! I would ask nurses, techs, and even doctors questions if one was floating around in my mind. What harm was it going to do? I was very intrigued! With this new found interest, I began praying and asking God to show me His will for my life.
Years ago a previous boss had told me, "Andrea, you would make a great Physician's Assistant." Several other people during my time at the hospital made comments like, "Oh you are so caring and compassionate, you would make such a great nurse!" or "Why aren't you going into nursing? You should really look into it! Not everyone can be a nurse, but you could!". The most common one was, "What year of nursing school are you in?" At the time I thought these people were crazy! I was a Business Management major, not even anything related to the medical field. But as I opened up my eyes, ears, and eventually my heart, I realized that God was pointing me in this direction and saying, "Hello, this is what I am calling you to do!"
So as I continue to take the next step in following His will, I have started looking into a couple of medical schools, taking the MCAT, admission requirements, and just trying to process the thought of potentially going back to school. Debating on whether or not I want to transition from the Army Spouse side of life to the Army Officer side and potentially become a dual military family. Trusting God with the whole process and letting things happen in His time and not my own is where I struggle the most.
Then, I couldn't help but smile when our pastor started to reference the heart recently one Sunday morning in church. His message was talking about the things that we should keep guarded. The first and probably most important (in my opinion) is the heart, followed by the ears, eyes and our direction. What he said about guarding our hearts was spot on. He had referenced Proverbs 4:23 as the verse that God tells us to guard our hearts. "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." (Proverbs 4:23, NIV)
We should pay special attention to what and whom we let into our lives and in particularly our hearts. What goes into the body, must come out. That is science. In one way or another, it'll come out! If garbage is all that is going into your body, then that is all that will come out. The people we hang out with begin to "rub off" onto us. Then we will turn around and reciprocate those behaviors and actions onto others we are around. I never realized until I was older, just how true this statement is. Occasionally, my parents used to tell me when I was younger, "You need to lose the attitude, Andrea! You're starting to act like (insert friend's name)." My attitude would change based on the friends I was hanging around. HA! After all this time I just thought my parents were crazy! Now that I have a small toddler that mimics everything I say and do, it has really started to sink in. The music we listen to, the television shows we watch, the food we eat, all of these are inputs that affect how we act and who we are. If you are constantly watching and listening to music and shows that are negative and depressing, then obviously you are not going to have a very positive outlook on life. It doesn't seem like much, but we must carefully choose what we let in.
After the sermon I just had to share with the pastor a recent painting I had finished. It was my first piece and it tied perfectly with his sermon. I had searched multiple verses in the Bible that I wanted to go with this painting, and ultimately had chosen Proverbs 4:23. I showed him the painting and he said, "I think its very clear that God wants you to guard your heart right now." Those words hit me like a ton of bricks!
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Here is a photo of my painting. I'm calling it "Shielded Heart". |
Over the past few years, I had not been guarding my heart. I had let people into my life (and ultimately my heart) that should not have been there. My heart had been broken and disappointed by many people in my life. I had kept people in my life that were pulling me down as opposed to building me up. I also couldn't let go of some people that, for various reasons, had little to no respect for me and didn't see the value I brought into this world. This led to a broken and callused heart that gave me a poor outlook on life. I have always been that friend that listened to other people's problems but when the roles are reversed it seemed like no one was there to listen when I needed a listening ear. I finally found someone to listen. We could literally sit and talk for hours on end and not think twice about it. Enjoying coffee, which is always a bonus in my book, and talking about everything! Laughing about our children and daily adventures in parenthood. My heart was so happy and full to have connected in a way that it never had before. My mind, on the other hand, kept telling me that I needed to get out of this friendship. I hated to say goodbye because I felt like I had value when I was around my friend. My friend enjoyed me for who I was, without having to pretend to be someone I wasn't. Sadly, it was not a healthy friendship and eventually led to a lot of heart ache. And still does occasionally. I could not see that I had opened my heart to someone who did not deserve it!
As I focus my life on what God's will is, I want to do so with a guarded heart. Picking carefully whom I let into my life. Both men and women. As a military spouse, this is extremely hard. We move so often that sometimes its so nice to finally make friends with a neighbor or hang out with someone from the same state as you. But this is not always what's best. Keeping a guarded heart is vital in maintaining a healthy Christian life. I must also guard my eyes and ears to better guard my heart.
Ladies, I want to tell you from experience, do not give your hearts to just anyone. This goes for female friends and also to the men in your lives. If they are not a positive influence in your life and pushing you to be the best version of yourself, then maybe you need to evaluate why they are in your life. Remember, what goes in must come out. The friends you choose can and will play a vital role in your life. Choose wisely!! As for the men in our lives, there are some very high standards that you should want to look for. Am I saying that they need to be perfect? No! No one is perfect! However, a man should ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS show you the respect you deserve as a human being and as a lady. This is a basic necessity! If this quality is not there, do not think twice about getting out or getting help. There isn't a single reason for you to be in a relationship where you do not feel respected, loved, or safe. Do not let those infamous three little words make you forget everything else about someone and think that everything will be okay. Often times, people say those words and do not even know their meaning! They will use those words to keep you around and satisfy their needs, whatever they may be. I saw a quote floating around social media recently that said, "Do not marry a man unless you would be proud to have a son exactly like him." That is a hard pill to swallow. Especially since I have a son. My husband (or any man in my life, like my father, father-in-law, and even brothers) need to be examples of how to treat a woman. These visual examples will one day reflect how he loves his future wife. Likewise, I must show CJ what kind of Godly qualities to look for in a wife one day. That is a very large responsibility as a spouse and as a parent!
I say all of this to reiterate my point, guard you heart! Choose wisely the people we let into our lives. Choose friends who will better you as a person. Choose friends who will be uplifting and positive even during the tough times. Do not give people the chance to tear you down. Do not be afraid to get out of a friendship. It is never too late! These choices will directly impact other choices we make and have long lasting effects.
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